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09 November 2011


  Today was just a regular kind of Wednesday.  At school today I installed windows XP twice, converted a pdf to a Word document, and started planning how to spend $33,000 on computers.  The principal wants a dozen iPads, but the rest is sort of up to me.  First off I'm getting a set of three portable hard drives so we can have regular off-site backups.  Also looking at a couple of interactive whiteboards with projectors and laptops.  If there are any teachers out there, what things would you like from your IT department?  I can't help you, but maybe I can make things better for another teacher. (Hymba Yumba)
  Tonight was our life together group (care group, Bible study).  We started off taking about Ephesians chapter 4, but ended taking about how we each ended up at Windsor Road Baptist.  It was also pointed our that we only had one Australian in the group.  We also had one Englishman, two Canadians, one Chinese and one German.  We do go to a fairly international church, but that was more international than usual. 
  It's now almost 11:30, so I should go to bed.

Good night all.

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