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27 June 2010

More stuff than should be allowed in one post

Well here comes a longer than normal blog post.  I'll go in reverse chronological order.
  • I just uploaded some pictures I took last night at Mt Cooth-tha. I was planning to catch the full moon rising over the ocean, but it was too cloudy to even see the moon until after it has risen.  I did however, photograph a time-lapse of the city growing dark.  I also took a few night shots of the city.  We are currently in the throes of winter (for all you northern hemisphere, people think December).  It is starting to get a bit chilly: I even wore a jacket for the first time since moving here.

Brisbane at Night

      I had a job interview on Wednesday.  It is part-time as a computer tech support at a girls school on the the south-side.  I think the interview went well and it seems like a interesting job. -=Cross your fingers=-

    Since Barb had the week before last off at school we went for a beach day with some friends at Gold Coast.  Since we are in "the throes of winter" I was the only one of us who actually went in the water.  The water temp. was "only" 21C.  Afterwards we went out for chocolate a Max Brenner's, kind of a Second Cup but serves chocolate. 

    The weekend before that Barb went up to a Rural Medicine conference in MacKay.  She had a lot of fun, and was able to smooze with a bunch of the big wigs in the Queensland medical community.  (I think she is planning to blog about it, so keep you eye pasted here)
      The big news before that was we had our first house guest; my sister Bet. She was in Aus. for just over two weeks.  It was great to have her here.  I don't think we have spent so much time together since we went to Expo in Vancouver way back in 1986. As part of her trip she went to Cairns and Sydney to see the sights too. While she was in Brissie we went on the CityCats, we toured around Sunshine Coast, went to Kingaroy for peanuts and wine, went go kart racing, drove down to Byron Bay and went sea kayaking.  All in all it was great that she came to visit.
      That's about it for the news.  Good night everyone and remember less than 6 months to Christmas ;-)

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