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03 September 2010

Airshow and such…

  Last weekend we went to the Festival of Flight at the Watts Bridge Memorial airfield near Esk. It was a fly-in event were people can bring whatever interesting plane they have.  It ranged from a replica of a 1909 Beriot, to a 1934 deHaviland Dragon transport, a WW2 era P-51, private planes from the 50s & 60s, pre and post-war trainers, even a home-built jet.  I have pictures available on our website and a video on YouTube.  It was also just nice to get out of the city for a bit.  Esk is about an hour and a half drive.  Going there we took the shorter but slower route over Mount Glorious, but came back through Ipswitch.
   For all my Canadian readers, August 24th was the 196th anniversary of troops from Canada burning down the White House and much of Washington.  Hopefully that will teach the Americans, and they won't try to invade again.
  Next weekend is the big fireworks display in Brisbane; Riverfire.  I am quite looking forward to it.  This is also supposed to be the last time the Australian Air Force's F-111 do their famous dump and burn display.  It is supposed to be spectacular.
  At church I have been volunteering to video tape the sermons and edit them afterwards.  If anybody wants to see they are at the church's website:

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